Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Joy Cometh in the Morning...

Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalms 30:5. ..I believe it was around 6 a.m., I became a grandma for the second time on May 29th of 2010. He is beautiful, healthy and perfect. He weighed in at 9lbs 2ozs exactly like his big brother. Holding him makes me feel like everything is right in the world. His cute little newborn sounds and smell, and the way he snuggles against me. I am so thankful to my Father in Heaven for His beautiful tender mercies; my two wonderful grandsons, a beautiful daughter who is a natural at motherhood, and her amazing husband. We are truly blessed. To the end that myglory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever. Psalms 30:12

Emerson Maxwell Royce

Emerson Maxwell Royce
Born April 28, 2008